Sunday, October 4, 2015

Does my consciousness exist

I know that my laptop exists as I can feel the keyboard as I am typing the letters which I can see into the blog.I know that my speakers exist as I can listen to music when they are switched on.But what is the I in here.Who knows that the laptop exists and the speakers exist.

If I say its my mind, then I have to justify the existence of my mind.How do I know that my mind exists and if at all it is existing what is it that is asking the question of existence of mind.Mind is the part that is supposed to understand the world and answer its questions.Questioning the existence of mind removes mind from the world and a body cannot explain its own existence.

Does that mean that to conclude the existence of my mind I need another mind which can say that my mind exists.Then does it imply that there is no mind that can stand alone and answer for itself its existence because the consequences can be all minds are false as there may not be something like the mind at all in the first place.

So now I have come to the conclusion that the fundamental error in the argument made above is that we are questioning the existence of something by being away from it.I say that laptop exists only because I say that it exists. I do not pay heed to the interaction between me and the laptop.In sight and touch,there are waves which are being received and sent out. The point is we are also sending waves.Let us look at these interactions more carefully.

The touch can be my hand(though I am not sure till where it is) hitting molecules right beside it and there is this electro magnetic interaction between them. I can call it to be a wave.All waves can be said to be vibrations in a medium.The same goes with sight where I capture EM radiation. Sound also deals with waves.

I am trying to boil down to the fact that all senses in some way or the other related to vibrations. Crudely speaking the mind is a set of oscillators and dampers which vibrate to these external vibrations along with an internal excitation.This internal excitation can be called the will to respond, I feel it gets the energy from something innate. There is also a certain amount of energy left by the interactions in us.This energy can be called as the memory.

Consciousness can be seen as an innate system which has a variable damping and variable natural frequency. It can resonate with all systems or be a showcase of effects of all systems in the mind.It is not something that is different from the mind. This defies the existence of the mind as it is has a variable frequency from 0 to infinity and a variable dampness from zero to infinity.Else there should be states we are not conscious.There is a very slight possibility of that happening. I feel that our response system should be able to handle everything.

Existence of mind should also be a vibration which needs a response. The consciousness should be able to handle that.If it is a question of handling all excitations itself, it still is sufficient.

Assumptions that are being made here are the will to respond has its own energy. I feel this is innate to all of us and we can feel it in our day to day lives.Its existence is more experiential. The will itself can be a combination of natural frequency and residual energy in the oscillator at that point of time

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